Reasons Why Fathers should Practice their Faith in Front of their Kids

Something that all parents, especially fathers, have to keep in mind is the fact that their children are not merely their own: they are God’s children. The Catechism of the Catholic Church reminds us in the section on “the duties of parents”:

“Parents must regard their children as children of God and respect them as human persons. Showing themselves obedient to the will of the Father in heaven, they educate their children to fulfill God’s law” (CCC 2222).

For better growth and development of the children both the mother and father contribute together. If the father gives an extra care to sanctify their family, it will definitely help molding the kids better.

Sometimes fathers seem to be confused how they can witness to their faith in front of the kids. Following are a few reasons why fathers should live their faith in front of their kids and thus help them grow in their faith:

  1. A Medium of Evangelization 

In his apostolic exhortation, Evangellii Nuntiandi, Pope St. Paul VI wrote: “The presentation of the Gospel message is not an optional contribution for the Church. It is the duty incumbent on her by the command of the Lord Jesus, so that people can believe and be saved.”

As the laity also makes up the Church, the fathers are in no way exempt from this appeal given by the saintly pontiff. If we are called to witness to the faith among our peers, how much more so to our own children?

If we are not ready to give testimony for our love for Jesus in front of our children, they may be tempted to be attracted by the worldly ways of their peers. The Catechism tells us that we have “receive[d] the responsibility and privilege of evangelizing [our] children” (CCC 2225). Let’s not squander the possibilities just by living the Faith quietly. Be courageous so as to evangelize your own children!

  1. The Word Tells to Act 

The Word of God has a clear view on this subject. In the Book of Deuteronomy, we see how important it is for fathers to pass on their Faith in a visible way. Teaching them the commandments of the Lord should be a second nature to us:

“Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up” (Deuteronomy 11:19).

  1. Not only Women are Religious

Mothers are always considered to be strongly devout. But that doesn’t have the same effect on me as seeing my dad doing it. Studies have shown that children tend to continue practicing their religion if the father is devout and fervent in his faith.

  1. They will Learn how to Pray 

The Catechism of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Christ Our Pascha, has this wisdom to impart:

“The family as a blessed community grows in the spouses’ personal communication with God and between themselves, that is, in prayer. Having arranged a place in their home for prayer (the icon corner), the family also sets aside time for prayer. According to Christian tradition, the family prays in the morning and in the evening, before a meal and after it… During family prayer, the children learn as they pray with their parents: they listen to the daily prayers and progressively absorb them. As they grow in common prayer, members of the family overcome the temptation to mutual estrangement and egoism. Family prayer prevents domestic quarrels and divorces; it reduces generational conflicts and teaches reconciliation and forgiveness” (CUCC 659).

It truly is amazing what prayer can do. How often do we utilize such a powerful tool in our daily lives? If we do not pray with our children at least at the end of the day and at dinner time, we should certainly reevaluate how we can find the time and make a better effort to do so.

  1. Understanding of Dad loves God

If dad dismisses things like confession, grumbles when he goes to Mass with mom and the children and doesn’t encourage the child to foster a relationship with God our Father in heaven, then the child will most likely follow suit.


Daily Reading, Saints

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