Prepare for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Birthday celebrations are festivals of great joy in every time, place, and culture—every birthday is a commemoration of God, the source of life, adding another human being to the human family. Every year on the 8th of September, the  Catholic Church celebrates with great joy the feast of Mary, the mother of Christ, the living God, and our Savior.

Mary’s birthday is very special to all Christians. That is the day, God chose Mary to be the Mother of God, the Mother of the Church, and our Mother. So we should rejoice on the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Here are five ways to prepare for Mother Mary’s birthday.

1. Grow in the Purity of Heart

Bring to mind the Immaculate Conception of Mary in our lives.  That means we should follow the sinless life of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was born without sin and lived without sin. Mary wants those who love her to stay away from the poisonous fear of sin. So purify the heart by performing confession on the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

According to Pope John Paul II, all Marian pilgrimage centers around the world are spiritual clinics. Because they are all places of refuge that offer sinners a chance for good sacrifice for sanctification. “O Mary, born without sin, pray for those who seek refuge in you.”

2. Think of Mary; Ask Mary for help

The Latin phrase “Maria cogita, Maria invoca” means ‘think of Mary, ask Mary for help. Walk with Mary like a little child holding his mother’s hand, think of her and pray to her. May her name always be on our lips and in our minds on this birthday of the mother.

3. Imitate Mary in her Virtue

In Louis de Montfort’s book ‘True Devotion to Mary’, there are ten important virtues practiced by Mary. The most important of them is love. Holy Mary is the perfect textbook on how to love God and our brothers and sisters. Mary is the guide we must follow to grow in love.

4. Read Good Books about Mary

Saint Louis de Montfort called Mary as ‘God’s precious work of art’. Saint Alphonse Ligori’s book is an excellent tool to inflame our hearts with love for Jesus and the Holy Mother. A beautiful description of the prayer ‘Holy Queen…’ is given in this book by Saint Alphonse gives. Alphonse Ligori describes Mary as Queen of Angels, Queen of Saints, Queen of Martyrs, and Queen of Virgins in the light of the Word. The Glories of Mary helps to burn with love for Jesus and the Blessed Virgin Mary. These texts or other Marian texts would be good to read during this Marian Week.

5. Make it a Habit to Pray the Rosary

Those who recite the Holy Rosary daily will receive innumerable blessings in life. Praying the Rosary is another effective way to prepare for the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Saints who have gone before us tell us five results of this great prayer.



Daily Reading, Saints

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