Cuban Bishops Express their Solidarity with the Church in Nicaragua

The international solidarity was expressed by the Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba (COCC), with the Catholic Church that is being persecuted in Nicaragua on Friday.

The Cuban bishops expressed their solidarity in a message sent to Msgr. Carlos Enrique Herrera GutiƩrrez, president of the Episcopal Conference of Nicaragua as the Church in the country faces painful events.

ā€œFor several weeks we have been learning, through social networks and messages published by CELAM and other episcopal conferences, of a progressive increase in painful episodes that have caused suffering and anguish to the Holy Faithful People of God in that beloved nationā€, expresses the text signed by Mons. Emilio Aranguren EcheverrĆ­a, president of the COCC.

The message of solidarity is dated August 19, the day on which police officers from the Daniel Ortega regime forced their way into the headquarters of the Bishopric of Matagalpa to take Mons. Ɓlvarez and the priests, seminarians and a layman who had remained there since Thursday the 4th. in the episcopal house, surrounded by the troops.

In its statement, the COCC assures that “the Catholic bishops of Cuba, together with our priests, deacons, religious life and faithful, pray and accompany the Church of God in Nicaragua with all our fraternal affection.”

ā€œWe thank you for the testimony of fidelity to Christ and to the humble that you are offering, the communion that you have maintained in the midst of trials and the serene trust in the Risen Lord that you are proclaiming in these hours of the Cross,ā€ he adds.

In their message, the Cuban bishops commend the Immaculate Virgin, “so loved by the Nicaraguan people,” so that “she prioritizes wisdom and good sense in those responsible for ensuring a climate of peace and calm for her people.”

“And that the flock of the Lord in Nicaragua can continue its mission of announcing the Gospel and of loving service to all, which is the mission of the Church, also from prophecy,” the text concludes.

Daily Reading, Saints

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