A Prayer in Honour of Our Lady of Assumption 

I acknowledge thee and I venerate thee, most holy Virgin, Queen of Heaven, Lady and Mistress of the Universe, as Daughter of the Eternal Father, as Mother of His well-beloved Son, and most loving Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Kneeling at the feet of thy great majesty, with all humility I pray thee in thy divine charity, the gift with which thou wert so bounteously enriched on thy assumption into heaven, to vouchsafe to grant in thy favor and thy pity, so far as to place me under thy most safe and faithful protection, and to receive me into the number of those thy happy and highly favored servants whose names thou dost carry graven on thy virgin breast.

Deign, Mother and Lady most tender, to accept this poor heart, my memory, my will, and all my other powers and senses, internal and external; accept my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my hands, my feet; govern them all in conformity to the good pleasure of thy Son, as I intend by every movement of them to give thee infinite glory. And by that wisdom with which thy well-beloved Son glorified thee, I pray and beseech thee to obtain for me light and vision clearly to know myself and my own nothingness, and in particular to know my sins, that so I may hate and loathe them; I pray thee also to obtain for me light to discern the snares of the infernal enemy, and all his modes of attack, whether open or hidden. Above all, most tender mother, I beg of thee the grace of N.

-A prayer from the Raccolta



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