Lent Traditions Around the World-3


Lent is regarded as a period of fasting, penance and prayers for Indians. For most Catholics in India, as in other parts of the world, Lent runs for 40 days from Ash Wednesday. Christians replicate Jesus Christ’s sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. Lent is marked by fasting, both from food and festivities.

In Goa, as in a number of European and Latin American countries, the period just before Lent is marked by the Carnival. The first Monday of Lent has a ceremony for mutual reconciliation called ‘Shubqono’ for all members of the parish. Religious tradition dictates during the period of Lent people are neither supposed to indulge themselves or in any kind of celebration. This is also a time when one must not consume foods like meat, fats, dairy products, etc. So this is why people celebrate before the fast. Thus, the carnival originated with a grand party that involved the consumption of the varied kinds of rich food by the entire community.


In Mexico, they have a special celebration called “La Samaritana” on the fourth Friday of Lent. In Oaxaca, a city in Mexico, Good Friday is observed by making fresh fruit juice and homemade ice cream and giving them out to passersby. This is to honor the memory of the good Samaritan woman who gave water to Jesus on his way to Galilee.

(Tomorrow: Germany and Philippines)


Daily Reading, Saints

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