Today there are many people among the believing community who are poor and have many problems. Sometimes such people will put a small donation in to the treasury and pray God for help. Those who have no one to help other than God are called in the Old Testament as the poor of God (anawin Yahweh). It seems that in today’s Gospel Jesus noticed such a poor of God in the poor widow. She offered what she had. In today’s gospel we heard about the people outing money into the treasury: heavy offerings of the rich people and small offerings of the poor.
We practice this Jewish tradition in Christianity too. In most of the churches we find a treasury or many treasuries with different intentions such as for the church, for the poor, for the mission, for the candle etc. There is also collection during the mass for the important intentions of the parish and collections for other purposes. Such offerings are given by the faithful not out of surplus, but they are offerings from the heart. It is not the amount of the donation that count, but the way they are given and the intentions and the purpose behind it.
The widow of the gospel had donated only two coins. The amount was equal to a dailey loan at that time in that area. She could guarantee a days meal with that. She was poor. But described to donate it. It was important for her that no one sees her small donation because many rich people had donated much.
When we give offerings or give a donation it is not that important that how much is given; but in what way and for what purpose we donate. Jesus wanted to say that the mentality, attitude, readiness, intention, purpose and the trust in God are important than the amount donated. What the widow donated was for the functioning of the temple and for those who are supported from the temple. For coming together the community needs places like temple. For us it is the church. Our church should be kept clean and well furnished for which small and bing donations help. It does not matter how much one could donate. But it matters that the church belongs to every believer. The credibility of the widow depends on the fact that she donated out of her faith and conviction, expressing her solidarity where as many other people donated to be seen and respected. Those Pharisees and scribes mentioned in the gospels have even forgotten the meaning of faith, the meaning of solidarity and even the meaning of life.
That’s why Jesus criticised them and presented a widow as a role model who has nothing to claim in life, but lived with faith in God and solidarity with people, without even being able to have the most necessary things in life.
In brief, we can say that Jesus praised this widow’s honesty, faith and trust in God and criticised the people who were dishonest and pursued their own selfish interests along with their service and donations for God and in the name of God. Therefore, the question is not about who is better or who donated better and behaved well, but who live with God, with real and correct attitude, with firm faith and deep trust.
Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS