Millions of People stepped into the New Year with firecrackers, some others with delicious meals in the hotels or in their own houses and some others sing and dancing. I hope as Catholics we have specific way of stepping into the New Year by a Thanksgiving mass or special way of Mass. For us it is a day to pause for a while just to look back and to realize the providence of God in our day today life especially the passing year 2024.
The book of Deuteronomy chapter 34 gives the image of Moses standing on the top of Mount Nebo. That was the place for the Moses to say goodbye to this earth. Moses went up to the peak of Mount Nebo and God gives him the vision of the Promised Land. While standing on the peak of the mountain Moses looked back to see the ways of the arid desert through which they travelled in the providence of God. When he looked to the front, he could get a glimpse of the future of the People of God as he could have a bird’s eye view of the Promised Land. At the climax of the year 2024 and at the dawn of 2025 we also have the similar experience. If we look back, we have lot of memories of the past, when we look forward, we have lot of dreams. And at present we are in the presence of God.
Today’s gospel presents Mary as a contemplative woman. “Mary kept all these things, reflecting them in her heart” (Lk 2:19). The first day of the year is a time for us to reflect like Mary on the blessings we received. This reflection of Mary means two things:
Firstly, she was not over excited or reacted of the happenings and blessings she had by becoming the mother of God. She just paused and reflected over the past happenings. That is why she could find out the plan of God in all happenings.
Secondly, Mary’s reflection means her faith in the Divine providence. We should understand her faith as something whatever happened was good and what would happen will be with the knowledge of God.
God gifts us with another 365 days, a New Year to experience and feel His Divine Providence in our lives. Let us thank God for this great gift and totally surrender ourselves in the providence of God! Amen.
Fr. Jerry Joseph Vallomkunnel MCBS