As John and James, the sons of Zebedee, came to Jesus and wished that one would sit on the right and the other on the left in his kingdom, they probably had big plans. John and James recognized Jesus as the Messiah. For them the Messiah was the savior, ruler and the new king of the Jews. As disciples of Jesus, they hoped to take part in his rule. That meant for them probably to have power and influence, to become powerful ministers, and even to sit to the right and to the left of Jesus and be able to issue orders.
As Jesus asked these disciples, whether they would drink the cup that Jesus had to drink, they answered immediately yes. Although they wanted to drink form the cup of Jesus they die not have known what it would mean. Jesus meant suffering and death as he spoke about cup. Jacob and John might have thought of advantage, power and recognition.
Then Jesus spoke about serving. Those who want to become great should have lead a life like that of a slave and those who like to be the first should have given up his life for many. John and Jacob thought that Jesus would be an influencing and powerful king, but Jesus proved himself to be a suffering and a serving Messiah.
John and Jacob realized that their ideas and expectations were not being fulfilled. They could have walked away from Jesus out of disappointment, like many other disciples who did. Instead of being disappointed, John and Jacob were excited about the new vision of the Messiah. They were ready to serve as Jesus demanded. John remained faithful to Jesus and his church until death. Jacob gave his life and became a martyr for the gospel.
Jesus would tell us today that domination and power have no place in his kingdom. Service has the highest value in the kingdom of Jesus.
We know people in our sorounding who are willing to help and to serve; we love and apreciate such people. Jesus means that the influence of those who are service minded is great which are essential for the society. Let the Holy Spirit strengthern us with wisdom, understanding, counsel, strength, knowledge, piety and fear of God, in order that we may attain happiness and fulfilment in serving the people.
Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS