23 Miners Die in a Mine Collapse in Venezuela

Twenty-three miners are confirmed dead, but dozens more could have perished in an open pit gold mine collapse in the jungles of central Venezuela on 20 February, Tuesday.

A video showed a huge wall of earth slowly crumbling, collapsing, and imploding on workers who were toiling in shallow channels of water. Local authorities estimate two hundred people were at work on site when the massive collapse happened.

State Governor Angel Marcano initially confirmed fourteen bodies had been recovered. But Angostura’s Mayor Yorgi Arciniega says thirty coffins are being prepared. Local people say dozens more could be trapped below tons of cloying mud. Relatives gathered in the nearest settlement of Paragua pleading for planes and helicopters to be sent in.

The area is usually only reached by boat. An investigation is already underway. The open pit mine was being illegally operated when this happened. This sort of mining provides lucrative wages, but the risks are perilous. The consequences of them are all too starkly evident.


Daily Reading, Saints

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