22nd Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year B, Mk 7: 1-8, 14-15, 21-23: Ritual Washing and Real Purity

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

In today’s gospel we find an interesting and a relevant theme namely about hand washing. Hand washing and disinfecting with disinfectants were very much promoted during the corona pandemic because the pandemic had convinced us about the need of washing the hand and paying close attention to hygiene.

Hygiene was an important commandment for the Jews especially during the time of Jesus. The Pharisees criticised Jesus’ disciples for eating bread with unclean and dirty hands. But the Pharisees were not just concerned with hygiene, but with rituals and regulations, such as the Jews taking a handful of water before eating and performing a ritual washing of their hands. There were several similar traditions and regulations of the Jews at that time, such as washing cups, jugs and kettles. The Pharisees viewed people who did not follow these rules and traditions as second-class citizens.

The comments made by these Pharisees and scribes about hygiene seem correct at first impression. But Jesus calls them hypocrites and as people who only honor with their lips without having their hearts in it. Jesus criticized them for two reasons.

First: Jews at that time paid more attention to ritual washing than to hygiene. But the non-Jewish people only paid attention to hygiene and less to ritual washing. There were Jews and non-Jews among Jesus’ listeners. Jesus did not demand the Jewish rituals from the non-Jewish listeners. But the Jews expected that all of Jesus’ disciples should respect Jewish laws and rituals.

The second reason for Jesus’ criticism of the Jews is the tension between Jewish and non-Jewish Christians in the first and the second centuries. The author of the Gospel describes this situation and Jesus’ attitude towards this issue. That means the problem of the early Christian’s was attributed to Jesus’ ടൈം by the author of the gospel. The non-Jewish believers did not observe the prescribed Jewish rituals, even though the Jewish Christians expected them to do it.

Not only that: the Jewish Christians thought that they were first class Christians and the non-Jewish Christians were supposed to remain second class Christians. This was against the principles of equality and justice Jesus taught. The criticism about the Jews and the teaching about the purity of the heart also have this background.

The evangelist reports Jesus’ opinion that it is not correct to be proud of one’s traditions and to consider certain rituals for purity while at the same time having evil thoughts. Jesus’ response to the Pharisees warns that evil thoughts are much worse than non-observance of rituals or careless of hygiene. This evil includes fornication, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, debauchery, envy, slander, pride and folly. To be human and to be understandable and to understand others in their situation are better values according to the teaching of Jesus.

This assertion of Jews and Jewish Christians about their special status on the one hand and the experience of evil thoughts in their heart, words and deeds in their lives are issues that what moved Jesus to call them hypocrites and say that “Nothing that enters a man from outside can make him unclean, but what comes out of a man makes him unclean.
This admonition of Jesus to the Jews, to his own people, is given by Jesus to every Christian, to each of his disciples, and it also applies to each of us.

Jesus does not tolerate hypocrisy, but rather demands a justice in which Jews and non-Jews are recognized equally before God.  Jesus invites us Christians not only to wash our hands, but also to be pure in heart. A pure heart is more important than ritual handwashing.

We should cultivate not only external purity but also internal purity and work for it, says Jesus. Care, purity, protection and preservation of the earth are important tasks and at the same time important are the preservation of humanity, the preservation of the values ​​of moral life and the preservation of faith. If we keep the commandments of God, the commandments of men are naturally included. Therefore, Jesus calls on his listeners to respect and obey God’s commandments, for which we can ask for Jesus’ help during today’s worship.

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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