19th Sunday of the Ordinary Time Year B, Jn 6: 41-51: The Life Giving Bread

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

For the last three Sundays we hear in the gospel about the miracle of the multiplication of bread and the explanations of Jesus about it. Jesus fed with five pieces of bread and two fish five thousand people. Christians followed this example of Jesus in a different way by engaging themselves in social activities for the poor and needy. Christianity is a religion in which God is experienced in the love and care given to the poor, needy, sick and old. This is evident from what many Christian organisations do in the places of natural catastrophe, war, poverty and undeveloped places.

The Jews grumbled that Jesus named himself as the bread of life and as the bread from heaven. For them Jesus was only a carpenter’s son. From Jesus they did not expect any thing special and they did not want to recognise Jesus as some who could do something special. But Jesus defended himself before them and spoke about the Father in heaven. Jesus spoke about faith in God and in Christ and said that those who have believed would attain eternal life. Jesus himself is the living bread. Those who eat this bread would live in eternity.

This miracle of the multiplication of bread and the words of Jesus about himself as the bread of life are understood today as revelation of God. We receive this bread in the holy Eucharist and experience the presence of God among us.

In the celebration of the Eucharist and in the Eucharistic adoration we experience Jesus as the living bread giving us life. This life giving bread will give us courage, confidence, tolerance, serenity etc. in manifold ways. Therefore we bring this living and life giving bread to the sick, the weak, and to the old so that this bread may strengthen them.

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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