19th Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 14: 22-33: Jesus Walks on the Water

Fr. Joseph Pandiappalli MCBS

Today’s gospel reports of the sudden appearance of Jesus on the see where the disciples were much away from the bank. Today’s gospel reports also a terrible experience of the disciples of Jesus. They wanted to travel to the other side of the see during which they experienced a hopeless situation. The darkness of the night and the strong waves made it impossible for them to control the boat against the waves. Since they lost their control over the boat they were struggling between life and death.

Then Jesus appeared to them. It could not be explained rationally. At that time Jesus was on the way to a mountain to pray in loneliness. Therefore they could not think that Jesus could be coming over the water who was supposed to be on the mountain. Besides Jesus walks over the water. That can not be also explained reasonably. Therefore it was natural for the disciples to think that they saw a ghost. This thinking of the presence of ghost can not be also explained reasonably. That means what the human could not understand, they attributed it to the ghost. One could also think of God instead of ghost. But usually people do not get the idea of God in their difficult situations which they can not explain rationally. Very quickly they think of a ghost.

This scene of the disciples of Jesus who saw Jesus who is coming towards them express two different realities. One is the behaviour our of people who are in danger. The other is the unexpected presence of God in all their difficult situations. God accompanies human always and every where.

The disciples of Jesus cried out of fear. But Jesus started to speak to them. He said. Have trust. It is me. Do not be afraid.

Many people experience today fear, anxiety and terror. If we look back to such situations we will be convinced that none of us could escape from such dark days of human life. Many of us have experienced situations where we did not know what to do and to whom could we turn. Reason may be a difficulty to take decisions, a separation, sickness or lose of some one near to us. We seek for help. Many fear like the disciples on the boat. Loneliness , discrimination, joblessness can also be reasons of fear and hopelessness.

In such Situation Jesus says: have trust in me. Do not be afraid. Our faith and trust in God motivate us to say like Peter: Lord if you say I will come over the Water. Perhaps Peter wanted to be sure that it was Jesus. Peter dared to go through the water. But he was wavering. Peter goes under the water and cries for help. Jesus helps Peter and the wind disappears. Jesus invites us too to go over the water. He commands. If we have trust and confidence we will be able to overcome any strong wind and any difficult problem in life. We should be courageous to face every situation in life. Trust and faith will provide us the power to win over every danger in life.

Jesus never worked a miracles to present himself before the people. He did miracle to help people. Miracles were part of his preaching, The purpose of Jesus was to preach the kingdom and the people recognise the Lord. Jesus revealed the love of God, tried to bring people to God and to help God. The same is the Christian mission. Jesus tells us: have trust. Do not be afraid. Let us trust in him, have confidence to face every situation of life and continue our mission to witness to the love and mercy of God.

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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