14th Sunday of the Ordinary Time, Year A – Mt 11: 25-30: Jesus our Yoke

Fr. Joseph Pandiappalli MCBS

Jesus invites us to him in todays gospel. He does it after praising God and after acknowledging his intimate relationship to God.

Jesys says: “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (Mt.11:28-30)

Each and Every human carry some kind of burden, whether it be light or heavy. People describe a big responsibility or some circumstances or sickness as burden. Sometimes things that bring us joy could become later a burden. To carry such burdens people wish to get support and help.

There is story about a man who found his burden very heavy and requested God to reduce his burden and make it light. God showed him the burden of his friends and relatives and permitted him to exchange his burden with any of the exhibited ones. He tested all the burdens and finally selected one for him. God asked him the reason to choose this particular burden. He answered that he found this particular one lighter than all others. God replied him that he selected his own burden about which he had lamented before God.
This story shows the importance of ones own burden for each and every one which we should carry with responsibility and care. A burden is light or heavy depending on how we carry it and what kind of motivation behind it and which relationship we keep to it. Jesus offers us support and assistance in carrying the last as yoke.

A yoke has a pulling harness, with two oxen or two horses harnessed to a wagon or plow to lighten the load, allowing heavy loads to be carried or towed.

When we become friends of Jesus, we are familiar with his values ​​and his message, and ask for his help and support, with which our daily burdens become easier to bury. Due to our intimate relationship with Jesus everything we do or have to do every day, every decision we make, every task we fulfill will no longer be a burden, but a joy and an enrichment.

Jesus is our yoke. With him we carry all burdens lighter. When we forget to take the yoke with us or try to carry our burdens without this yoke, we quickly feel exhausted and discouraged. Therefore, we should never forget to bear the burden with the Yoke, that is our Lord.

There is also another meaning for the term yoke. Yoke is the law or Torah in Jewish tradition. At that time, the Jewish laws were interpreted in such a complicated way that people found it difficult to follow the laws. Jesus did not come to abolish the laws, but to fulfill the laws. Jesus puts a new face on the laws, and Jesus’ interpretation of the laws makes the laws easier to obey.

Seeing the laws and rules through the eyes of Jesus and following them in the spirit of Jesus makes life easier and more beautiful for us.

I wish that we carry our burden with Jesus and follow the laws as Jesus intended.

Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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