Today’s gospel contains many different themes. All these themes are related to the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ.
1.It was the fact that the fame of Jesus was spread in his region. Jesus did not get time to take rest; not even to eat food. But Jesus had not only followers but also enemies. Not only scribes and Pharisee were against Jesus, but some of his own family members also. They could not understand the ministry of Jesus because of which the reaction of of some of the members of Jesus’ family was no way better than that of his enemies.
2.Jesus had sent his disciples with the power even to cast out demons and it had positive resonants (Mk 3,14-15). As people knew about the message and the work of Jesus they came to him in such a way that it became a big crowd. The streets and houses in Galilee were constructed narrow that a big crowd would make a lot of different problems.
3.Some made accusation that Jesus was casting out demons with the help of demons. Jesus answered this very prudently with a parable and a counter questions which would refute their arguments.
4. Jesus says that the blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness. This statement of Jesus has been differently interpreted and was never given a generally acceptable answer. It is possible that this sentence would have been added later. But the concept about the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was very often interpreted as one’s action against his own conscience.
5. An important theme in today’s gospel is the attempt of Jesus’ mother Mary and Jesus’ relatives to come to Jesus who could not come to Jesus due to the huge crowd. As people informed Jesus that they are waiting outside, Jesus responded with the words that those who would do the will of God are his mother and relatives. With these words Jesus was in a way acknowledging and appreciating the mother May. She was the one who did the will of God in the most real sense. It expresses the intense relationship between Jesus and Mary too.
Let us be actively involved in preaching the good news and to do the work of the kingdom of God as Jesus had taught us through his own example. Jesus is our Lord whom we follow. Let his grace fill us and his Spirit guide us.
Fr. Joseph Pandiappallil MCBS