08 January 2025, Epiphany Wednesday Mk. 6: 45-52 Epiphany of Divine Power

Fr. Jerry Vallomkunnel MCBS

Church liturgy helps us to pass through a series of epiphanies, i.e., revelations of God, in this ‘Epiphany Octave’ or Epiphany week starting from last Sunday, ‘Epiphany Sunday’.

Epiphany Monday’s gospel (Mt. 4:12-17, 23-25) gave the epiphany of “Jesus as a light” by presenting the starting of Jesus’ Galilean ministry as the coming of light into the people who sit in darkness!

Yesterday’s (Epiphany Tuesday) gospel (Mk 6:34-44) pictures Jesus miraculous feeding of a great multitude as an extraordinary epiphany that God’s love, mercy and compassion.

In today’s gospel (Epiphany Wednesday) (Mk 6:45-52) presents the appearance of Jesus as “I am Who am” (It’s I). It is the epiphany of His divine power and Identity to the feared disciples who were torn between awe and disbelief amidst ferocious sea! When I have confidence in the guidance and providence of God who makes my heart His home (God with us) there is no room for fear in me. Amen.

Fr. Jerry Joseph Vallomkunnel MCBS

Daily Reading, Saints

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